•  What is UCEED?
    UCEED is Under Graduate Common Entrance Exam for Design. This is a design entrance exam conducted for admissions to the Bachelor of Design (B.Des) programs across IITs and other institutions in India.
  • Who conducts UCEED?
    UCEED 2023 will be conducted by Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, under the guidance of the UCEED-CEED Implementation Committee 2023.
  • Which are the participating institutions in UCEED?
    1: IIT Bombay
    2: IIT Delhi
    3: IIT Guwahati
    4: IIT Hyderabad
    5: IIITDM Jabalpur
    Other than this there are various other institutions that use the UCEED score card for admissions. List of various result sharing institutions using UCEED score card for admissions are given in the official website of UCEED exams
  • Which are the result-sharing institutions of UCEED?
    Some of the UCEED result sharing institutes:
    1. World University of design, Sonepat
    2. UPES school of design, Dehradun
    3. Lovely Professional university, Phagwara
    4. RV University, Bengaluru
    5. Srishti Manipal institute of art, design and technology, Bengaluru
    6. MIT ID Ujjain Avantika university, Ujjain
    7. JK Lakshmipat University, Jaipur
    8. Dr. Vishwanath Karad MIT world peace university, Pune
    9. Vidhyavardhan’s Institute of Design, Environment and architecture (IDEA), Nashik.
    10. Department of design, Netaji Subhas University of technology (NSUT),New Delhi.
    11. Symbiosis school of Planning Architecture and Design, Nagpur
    12. Institute of design, Nirma University, Ahmedabad
    13. Jain (Deemed – to – be) University, Bengaluru
    14. CEPT university, Ahmedabad
    15. VIT School of design (V-SIGN), Vellore institute of technology, Vellore
    16. Delhi Technological university, Delhi
    17. Footwear design and development institute (FDDI
    18. Central institute of technology, Kokrajhar
    19. Shoolini University, Solan

The full list of result sharing institutes of 2023 will be available in the official website of UCEED (https://www.uceed.iitb.ac.in/)

  • Why UCEED?
    UCEED is the only entrance exam to get admission to the Bachelor of Design (BDes) courses across IITs.
  • What is the difference between participating institutes and result sharing institutes?
    Admissions to Bdes courses in participating institutions are done through a joint seat allocation process, whereas the result sharing institutions carry out their admissions independently.
  • How is UCEED exam and BDes admissions different?

UCEED and BDes admissions are two different activities. Candidates should note that the mere appearance in UCEED 2023 or being in the rank list neither guarantees nor provides any automatic entitlement to admission to the BDes programs of the participating institutes. UCEED qualified candidates MUST apply separately for BDes admissions as per the prescribed procedure described in Information Brochure, through the joint seat allocation process.

  • When is UCEED 2023 examination?
    22 January, 2023, from 9.00 am to 12.00 noon
  • When does UCEED registrations begin?
    UCEED registration starts on September 30, 2022. Candidates should register for appearing in UCEED 2023. Registration can be done ONLY through the online registration portal linked from https://www.uceed.iitb.ac.in/
  • Is UCEED exam online or offline?
    UCEED is a test center-based examination and has two parts: Part A is computer-based (online) and Part B contains question-related to sketching that need to be attempted on the provided sheet (offline). It is compulsory for the candidates to attempt both parts in the given time.
  • Is UCEED a single stage exam?
    Yes. UCEED is a single stage exam of 3 hour duration.
  • Who cannot apply for UCEED Exam?
    Students who passed their Qualifying examination (class XII) on or before
    2021 are not eligible to apply for UCEED 2023.
  • What is the eligibility criteria for UCEED 2023?
    Candidates should simultaneously satisfy ALL the THREE eligibility criteria:

Criterion 1- Age limit: The candidate should have been born on or after October 1, 1998 if belonging to the OPEN/EWS/OBC-NCL category and born on or after October 1, 1993 if belonging to the SC, ST or PwD category.

Criterion 2 – Number of attempts: A candidate can attempt UCEED for a maximum of two times and that too in consecutive years. Note that UCEED score is valid for one year, and only for admissions in the same corresponding academic year.

Criterion 3 – Qualifying examination: The candidate should have passed in all subjects in the qualifying examination (Class XII or equivalent) in 2022, OR should be appearing for the qualifying examination for the first time in 2023 in order to be eligible for attempting UCEED 2023. Students from ALL STREAMS (Science, Commerce, and Arts & Humanities) are eligible. Details of qualifying examinations are provided clearly in the Official information brochure of UCEED 2023.

  • How can a candidate apply for UCEED exams?
    Applications to UCEED exams are done through the official website of
    UCEED 2023. Registration can be done ONLY through the online registration portal linked from https://www.uceed.iitb.ac.in/
  • Registration Process
    Detailed instructions for the online registration are provided on the registration portal.

    Online Registration Portal https://www.uceed.iitb.ac.in/
    Start Date September 30,2022,01:00 PM
    End Date (with regular fee) October 21,2022,11:55 PM
    End Date (with late fee) October 29,2022,11:55 PM
  • Registration fee
    Following is the registration fee structure for UCEED 2023:
    Indian Nationals

    Female Candidates (all categories) ₹1800
    SC, ST, PwD Candidates ₹1800
    All Other Candidates ₹3600

    The above registration fee is applicable till the closing date of October 21, 2022, (11:55 pm).

  • Reservation of seats 
    General/unreserved Not entitled to reservation
    OBC – NCL 27 %
    SC 15 %
    ST 7.5 %
    EWS 10 %
    PwD 5 %


  • Important Dates
    Start Date for online Registration September 30,2022
    Last Date for Online Registration with regular fee October 21,2022
    Last Date for Online Registration with late fee October 29,2022
    Start Date for Admit Card Downloading January 13,2023
    Last date for rectification of discrepancies Admit Card January 17,2023- 5:00 PM
    UCEED 2023 Exam January 22,2023 (Sunday) 09:00 am – 12:00 PM
    Release of Draft Answer Key and candidates Response for Part-A January 24,2023
    Last date for Uploading comments (If Any) on the draft Answer Key in the candidates portal January 26,2023- 5:00 PM
    Release of final Answer Key January 30,2023
    Announcement of Cut-off marks for Part-A February 09,2023
    Declaration of Results March 09,2023
    Start date for Score Card Downloading February 09,2023
    Declaration of Results March 09,2023
    Start date for Score Card Downloading March 11,2023
    Submission of Online Application for BDes Programme March 14 to 31 ,2023
    Seat Allotment round 1 April 10,2023
    Seat Allotment round 2 May 10,2023
    Seat Allotment round 3 June 10,2023
    Last date for Score Card downloading June 13,2023a
  •  Cities where exam is conducted
    UCEED 2023 will be held in the following 24 cities in India only:
    1. Ahmedabad
    2. Bengaluru
    3. Bhopal
    4. Bhubaneswar
    5. Chandigarh
    6. Chennai
    7. Dehradun
    8. Delhi
    9. Ernakulum
  • Question paper pattern
    There will be ONE question paper of total THREE hours duration.• The question paper will be in English only.• The question paper will carry a total of 300 marks.• The question paper will consist of two parts: Part-A and Part-B. It is compulsory to attempt questions from both the parts.• Utmost care is taken to prepare an error free question paper. However, if an error is detected in the question paper, the UCI Committee shall take an appropriate decision after the examination, which shall be final. Following is the question paper structure for UCEED 2023:

    Part-A (2 Hours 30 Min)
    Section Type of questions Number of questions Marks for correct Answer Marks for Wrong Answer Marks for question not attempted Total marks for the section
    1 Numerical Answer Type (NAT) 18 4 0 0 72
    2 Multiple Select Question(MSQ) 18 Partial Marking -1 0 72
    3 Multiple Choice Question(MCQ) 32 3 -0.71 0 96
    Total   68       240
    Part-B (30 Mins)
    Type of questions Number of questions Total Marks
    Sketching 1 60
  • Syllabus
    Part-A will have questions from the following topics:
    • Visualization and spatial ability
    • Observation and design sensitivity
    • Environmental and social awareness
    • Analytical and logical reasoning
    • Language and creativity
    • Design thinking and problem solving
    Part-B will have ONE question from the following topic:
    • Drawing: Ability to draw products, people or scenes in proportion with good line quality, composition, proportion, perspective and shading. Details of syllabus is given clearly given in the official UCEED brochure.

How to Prepare for UCEED


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